alleviate problems with reduced appetit
Sleep Management Many strains of high-THC marijuana produce calming, soothing effects that can make it easier to fall asleep. Part of the reason they work so well is that they are excellent for m anaging the anxiety that often keeps people up at night. Since marijuana is also more effective than hemp at controlling pain, those who have trouble sleeping as a result of their chronic pain conditions may also be able to sleep better when their symptoms are alleviated. Managing Appetite Smoking some chronic can help to e alleviate problems with reduced appetit while smoking high-CBD weed is more likely to curb hunger even more. Those suffering from AIDS, cancer, anorexia, and other conditions that cause rapid weight loss can benefit more from smoking chronic rather than high-CBD cannabis strains. They can also kill two birds with one stone by baking up delicious weed edibles that will be all but i...